Objective Questions Of Web Designing

Dear all student i have launch objective question of WEB Designing and Computer Graphics for State counseling vocational training (SCVT) and National counseling vocational training (NCVT) Trade under DGET /MPDT Norms and you read all question on yours smart phone and PC and after your preparation you can get good score in your exam. 

WEB Designing and Computer Graphics 

1. Digital Design Concepts :
Q.1. CRAP stand For :
Ans: Contrast Repetition Alignment & Proximity.

Q.2. Film Taken Resulation is :
Ans : 72 DPI

Q.3. Desktop Computer Resulation is :
Ans: 72 to 100 DPI

Q.4. Television Take Resolution is ?
Ans: 72 to 100 DPI

Q.5. News Paper Take Resolution is ?
Ans: 200 DPI

Q.6. Color Magazine take Resolution is?
Ans: 600 to 1200 DPI.

Q.7. Hoardings Take Resolution is ?
Ans: 72 DPI

Q.8. Digital Color Lab Take Resolution is?
Ans: 300 to 500 DPI

Q.9. Desktop Computer use Color Mode is?
Ans: RGB

Q.10. Television use Color Mode is?
Ans: RGB

Q.11. News Paper use Color Mode is?

Q.12. Color Magazine use Color Mode is?

Q.13. Hoarding Use Color Mode is?

Q.14. Digital Color Lab use Color Mode is?
Ans: RGB

Q.15. desktop computer use color depth & Number of color ?
Ans 24 bit Color depth and no of color 16.7 Million Color shades

Q.16. Television Use Color Depth?
Ans: 24 Bit Color Depth & 16.7 Million Color shades

Q.17. Color Magazine Use Color Depth?
Ans: 32 Bit Color Depth & 16.7 Million True Color

Q.18. Hoarding Use color Depth?
Ans: 24 Bit Color Depth &16.7 Million Color shades

Q.19. Digital Color Lab use Color Depth is?
Ans: 24 Bit Color Depth & 16.7 Million Color shades.

Q.20. DPI Stand For ?
Ans: Dot Per Inch

Q.21. Desktop computer use file format is?
Ans: .JPG / .TIFF / .GIF /. PNG

Q.22 Television use file format is ?
Ans: .JPG / .TIFF / .TGA

Q.23. Color Magazine use file format is ?
Ans: .TIFF / .JPG

Q.24. Hoarding use File Format is ?
Ans: .Ai/ .CRD / .pdf / .

Q. 25.Digital Color Lab use File Format is ?
Ans: .JPG

2. Color Management

Q.1. RGB Stand for ?
Ans: Red, Green, Blue

Q.2. RGB Color Mode is Primary Colors is ?
Ans: Red Green Blue.

Q.3. RGB Color Mode of Secondary Colors Is ?
Ans: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.

Q.4. How Many Bit use of Each Color in RGB Mode?
Ans: 8 Bit

Q.5. How Many Bit use of RGB Color Mode ?
Ans: 24 Bit.

Q.6. How Many Color Available in RGB Mode?
Ans: 16.7 Million

Q.7. CMYK Stand for?
Ans: Cyan , Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black)

Q.8. How Many Bit use of CMYK Color Mode?
Ans: 32 Bit

Q,9. How Many Color use in CMYK Mode?
Ans: 16.7 True Colors.

Q.10. What is Primary Color of CMYK?
Ans: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black).

Q.11. What is Secondary Colors of CMYK?
Ans: Red, Blue, Green

3. Graphics /Image Data Structures

Q.1. What is the best image format?
Ans: TIFF format (.tif or .tiff file extension)

Q.2. PNG Stand for ?
Ans: Portable Network Graphics

Q.3. How Many Color use of PNG File Format?
Ans: 16 Million True Colors.

Q.4. GIF Stand For ?
Ans: Graphics Interchange Format

Q.5. How Many Color use of GIF File Format ?
Ans: 256

Q.6. JPG Stand For ?
Ans: Joint Photographic Experts Group

Q.7 .ai Stand for ?
Ans: Adobe Illustrator

Q.8..pdf stand for ?
Ans: portable document format

Q.9. EPS Stand for ?
Ans: Encapsulated PostScript.

Q.10 EPS file Format use for?
Ans: Vector Graphics.

Q.11. SVG Stand for ?
Ans: Scalable Vector Graphics

Q. 12. SVG File format use for ?
Ans: XML-based vector image

Q. 13. SVG File format developed by ?
Ans: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999

Q.14. PSD Stand for ?
Ans: Photoshop Document

Q.15. PSD file Sport Application ?
Ans : Adobe Photoshop

Q. 16.BMP stand for ?
Ans: bitmap image

Q.17 BMP file Format use for?
Ans: raster graphics image.

Q.18. PCX Stadn for?
Ans: Picture eXchange

Q.19. PCT stand for?
Ans: Macintosh Picture file format

Q.20 PCT Develop by ?
Ans: Apple Computer in 19984

Q.21 PCT File use for ?
Ans: supports both raster and vector images.

Q.22. PNG file Format use for?
Ans: Raster graphics

Q.23. RAW Stand For?
Ans: Raw File.

Q. 24. SCT stand for?
Ans: Scitex

Q. 25. SCT File use For ?
Ans: raster image files

Q.26. TGA Stand For?
Ans: Targa File.

Q.27. TGA file Format is use for?
Ans : raster graphics

Q. 28. TIFF Stand For ?
Ans: Tagged Image File Format

Q. 29 . VST Stand For ?
Ans : Bitmap graphic file (TrueVison Vista)

Q.30. Raster Graphics Applicaion is ?
Ans: Adobe Adobe Illustrator / Corel Draw / Auto CAD / Inkscape / Serif DrawPlus /Xara Xtreme / Skencil / Creative Docs.NET / sK1 / Karbon 14 / etc.

Q 31. Vactor Graphics Application is ?
Ans: Adobe Photoshop / GIMP / Corel Photo Paint / Adobe Image Ready / Photoshop Elements/ Adobe live Motion /Autodesk SketchBook Pro /Microsoft Photo Editor / etc.

4. Blogging, Online Forums and Google Adsense :

Q1. What is blogger ?
Ans : Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.

Q.2. Who is Developed blogger ?
Ans : Pyra Labs

Q.3. Which year google buy blogger from Prya Labs?
Ans: 2003

Q.4. Blogger Hosted by ?
Ans: Google.

Q.5. which subdomain use of blogger?
Ans: blogspot.com

Q.6. How many blogs create by single account.
Ans : 100

Q.7. Which year Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via FTP.
Ans: 01 May 2010

Q.8. Which year Blogger was launched by Pyra Lab.
Ans: 23 August 1999

Q.10. Which Year Blogger redesign?
Ans: 2006

Q.11. Who may characters Type is Blog description ?
Ans: 500 Characters.

Q.12. Who many Number of Labels use in blog Account?
Ans: 5000

Q.13. How Many Post Create by User in one Blog Account?
Ans: Unlimited.

Q.14. How many Picture storage space Available if share picture with picasa
Ans: 1 GB

Q.15 How many Picture storage space Available if signed up for Google+ account?
Ans: 15 GB

Q.16. Which Site of Creating Blog?
Ans: www.blogger.com / www.wordpress.com / www.penzu.com / www.webs.com / www.weebly.com / www.wix.com

5. Google Analytic

The Process google analytic uses to retrieve data from large complex data sets faster is called
Ans: Sampling

Which types of groups can you create in google analytic
Ans: Channel Groups & Content Groups

Google Analytic goals let you specify
Ans: Which interactions should be used to calculate conversions

E: To add external data to Google Analytic using the data import feature you must have
Ans: a key that links the imported data with google analytics (गूगल एनालिटिक्स के साथ आयातित डेटा लिंक कि एक कुंजी है )

A Session in google Analytic consists of (गूगल विश्लेषणात्मक में एक सत्र के होते हैं)
Ans: interaction of hits from a spefufic user over a defined period of time

By default An analytic session ends when inactive for (डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से एक विश्लेषणात्मक निष्क्रिय होता है)
Ans: 30 Minutes

During Aggregation , Google Analytic ? (एकत्रीकरण के दौरान, गूगल विश्लेषणात्मक किया करता है ?)
Ans: Organizes the collected data within database table (डेटाबेस तालिका के भीतर एकत्र डेटा का आयोजन करता है )

Third party data my be joined with the google analytic data collected via the tracking code ?
Ans: True सही

When Google Analytic process data, one of the main tasks it completes is organizing hits into ?
Ans; Users and Sessions

For Mobile application, Google Analytics will use the same javascript traking code as websites?
Ans: False गलत

During data processing google analytic ? (डाटा प्रोसेसिंग के दौरान गूगल एनालिटिक्स ?)
Ans: Transforms the raw data from collection using the configuration settings (Configuration settings के माध्यम से संग्रह से प्राप्त किये गए कच्चे डेटा बदल देता है )

What are the four main parts of the google analytic platform ?(Google Analytic के 4 मुख्य भाग किया होते है )
Ans: Collection, Configuration, Processing, Reporting.

Q. Google Analytic is able to measure if a user is a first time visitor or repeat visitor.
Ans: True

Q. What is the hierarchy of the google analytic data model ?
Ans: User > Sessions > interactions

Q. The Same type of google analytic tracking code should be used for both a website and a mobile app.
Ans: True

Q. you should include google Analytic tracking code on every page of a website you want to track.
Ans: True

Q. Where does the Google Analytic tracking code belong.
Ans: Before the closing </head> tag in your HTML

Q. In order to distinguish between user on web pages, Google Analytic.
Ans: Creates anonymous unique identifiers using first party cookies.

Q. Google Analytic store mobile app usage data locally on the device and sends it to the analytic account later using a batch process called?
Ans: dispatching

Q. if an app gets uninstalled and then reinstalled, Google analytic will have to create a new unique identifier on the device instead of matching the session as coming from a returning user.
Ans: True

Q. Which is a benefit of Manager Defined spend (MDS) ?
Ans: Control over managed account budgets for my client center account users.

Q. A benefit of my client center(MCC) is the:
Ans: Dashboard that provides summaries of statistics for all client account.

Q. Which is best practice for creating effective and text?
Ans: Include prices promotion and exclusives

Q. it is important to identify special offers like "free shipping" before building and adwords account?
and: Create Compelling ad text.

Q. The objectives for web analytic are likely to concern?
Ans: Measurement of web site performance.

Q. Which One of the following is mainly used in Web Analytics and is free of charge ?
Ans: Google Analytic.

Q. Which feature of Google Analytics ?
Ans: Data collection & Management + Data consolidation + Data Analytic & Reporting

Q. Once your google Analytics data has been processed it can not be changed
Ans; True

Q. The Maximum cost per click bid is the
Ans: Most an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on an ad.

Q. what should and advertiser use to organize ad groups ?
Ans: Common themes

Q. Advertiser on google search accrue cost in adword when
Ans: User clik on their ads

Q. A primary benefit of location targeting is that advertisers can
Ans: Target any combination of countries, territories and regions

Q. Quality Score and Ad rank are calculated
Ans: Every time your ad is eligible to serve on a display network page

Q. Higher Quality Scores typically lead to
Ans: Lower cost and and better ad positions

Q. An advertiser want to increase clik through rate (CTR) which would help to eliminate irrelevant impressions?
Ans: Add negative keywords to the ad group

Q. When setting up an Adword account choose your currency and permanent time zone carefully because?
Ans: These cannot be changed once you have set up your account.

Q. Which is a factor that google user to target ads to users based on physical location?
Ans: Internet Protocol (IP) Address