1. Digital Design Concepts :
Q.1. CRAP stand For :
Ans: Contrast Repetition Alignment & Proximity.
Q.2. Film Taken Resulation is :
Ans : 72 DPI
Q.3. Desktop Computer Resulation is :
Ans: 72 to 100 DPI
Q.4. Television Take Resolution is ?
Ans: 72 to 100 DPI
Q.5. News Paper Take Resolution is ?
Ans: 200 DPI
Q.6. Color Magazine take Resolution is?
Ans: 600 to 1200 DPI.
Q.7. Hoardings Take Resolution is ?
Ans: 72 DPI
Q.8. Digital Color Lab Take Resolution is?
Ans: 300 to 500 DPI
Q.9. Desktop Computer use Color Mode is?
Ans: RGB
Q.10. Television use Color Mode is?
Ans: RGB
Q.11. News Paper use Color Mode is?
Q.12. Color Magazine use Color Mode is?
Q.13. Hoarding Use Color Mode is?
Q.14. Digital Color Lab use Color Mode is?
Ans: RGB
Q.15. desktop computer use color depth & Number of color ?
Ans 24 bit Color depth and no of color 16.7 Million Color shades
Q.16. Television Use Color Depth?
Ans: 24 Bit Color Depth & 16.7 Million Color shades
Q.17. Color Magazine Use Color Depth?
Ans: 32 Bit Color Depth & 16.7 Million True Color
Q.18. Hoarding Use color Depth?
Ans: 24 Bit Color Depth &16.7 Million Color shades
Q.19. Digital Color Lab use Color Depth is?
Ans: 24 Bit Color Depth & 16.7 Million Color shades.
Q.20. DPI Stand For ?
Ans: Dot Per Inch
Q.21. Desktop computer use file format is?
Ans: .JPG / .TIFF / .GIF /. PNG
Q.22 Television use file format is ?
Ans: .JPG / .TIFF / .TGA
Q.23. Color Magazine use file format is ?
Ans: .TIFF / .JPG
Q.24. Hoarding use File Format is ?
Ans: .Ai/ .CRD / .pdf / .
Q. 25.Digital Color Lab use File Format is ?
Ans: .JPG
2. Color Management
Q.1. RGB Stand for ?
Ans: Red, Green, Blue
Q.2. RGB Color Mode is Primary Colors is ?
Ans: Red Green Blue.
Q.3. RGB Color Mode of Secondary Colors Is ?
Ans: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.
Q.4. How Many Bit use of Each Color in RGB Mode?
Ans: 8 Bit
Q.5. How Many Bit use of RGB Color Mode ?
Ans: 24 Bit.
Q.6. How Many Color Available in RGB Mode?
Ans: 16.7 Million
Q.7. CMYK Stand for?
Ans: Cyan , Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black)
Q.8. How Many Bit use of CMYK Color Mode?
Ans: 32 Bit
Q,9. How Many Color use in CMYK Mode?
Ans: 16.7 True Colors.
Q.10. What is Primary Color of CMYK?
Ans: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black).
Q.11. What is Secondary Colors of CMYK?
Ans: Red, Blue, Green
3. Graphics /Image Data Structures
Q.1. What is the best image format?
Ans: TIFF format (.tif or .tiff file extension)
Q.2. PNG Stand for ?
Ans: Portable Network Graphics
Q.3. How Many Color use of PNG File Format?
Ans: 16 Million True Colors.
Q.4. GIF Stand For ?
Ans: Graphics Interchange Format
Q.5. How Many Color use of GIF File Format ?
Ans: 256
Q.6. JPG Stand For ?
Ans: Joint Photographic Experts Group
Q.7 .ai Stand for ?
Ans: Adobe Illustrator
Q.8..pdf stand for ?
Ans: portable document format
Q.9. EPS Stand for ?
Ans: Encapsulated PostScript.
Q.10 EPS file Format use for?
Ans: Vector Graphics.
Q.11. SVG Stand for ?
Ans: Scalable Vector Graphics
Q. 12. SVG File format use for ?
Ans: XML-based vector image
Q. 13. SVG File format developed by ?
Ans: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999
Q.14. PSD Stand for ?
Ans: Photoshop Document
Q.15. PSD file Sport Application ?
Ans : Adobe Photoshop
Q. 16.BMP stand for ?
Ans: bitmap image
Q.17 BMP file Format use for?
Ans: raster graphics image.
Q.18. PCX Stadn for?
Ans: Picture eXchange
Q.19. PCT stand for?
Ans: Macintosh Picture file format
Q.20 PCT Develop by ?
Ans: Apple Computer in 19984
Q.21 PCT File use for ?
Ans: supports both raster and vector images.
Q.22. PNG file Format use for?
Ans: Raster graphics
Q.23. RAW Stand For?
Ans: Raw File.
Q. 24. SCT stand for?
Ans: Scitex
Q. 25. SCT File use For ?
Ans: raster image files
Q.26. TGA Stand For?
Ans: Targa File.
Q.27. TGA file Format is use for?
Ans : raster graphics
Q. 28. TIFF Stand For ?
Ans: Tagged Image File Format
Q. 29 . VST Stand For ?
Ans : Bitmap graphic file (TrueVison Vista)
Q.30. Raster Graphics Applicaion is ?
Ans: Adobe Adobe Illustrator / Corel Draw / Auto CAD / Inkscape / Serif DrawPlus /Xara Xtreme / Skencil / Creative Docs.NET / sK1 / Karbon 14 / etc.
Q 31. Vactor Graphics Application is ?
Ans: Adobe Photoshop / GIMP / Corel Photo Paint / Adobe Image Ready / Photoshop Elements/ Adobe live Motion /Autodesk SketchBook Pro /Microsoft Photo Editor / etc.
4. Blogging, Online Forums and Google Adsense :
Q1. What is blogger ?
Ans : Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.
Q.2. Who is Developed blogger ?
Ans : Pyra Labs
Q.3. Which year google buy blogger from Prya Labs?
Ans: 2003
Q.4. Blogger Hosted by ?
Ans: Google.
Q.5. which subdomain use of blogger?
Ans: blogspot.com
Q.6. How many blogs create by single account.
Ans : 100
Q.7. Which year Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via FTP.
Ans: 01 May 2010
Q.8. Which year Blogger was launched by Pyra Lab.
Ans: 23 August 1999
Q.10. Which Year Blogger redesign?
Ans: 2006
Q.11. Who may characters Type is Blog description ?
Ans: 500 Characters.
Q.12. Who many Number of Labels use in blog Account?
Ans: 5000
Q.13. How Many Post Create by User in one Blog Account?
Ans: Unlimited.
Q.14. How many Picture storage space Available if share picture with picasa
Ans: 1 GB
Q.15 How many Picture storage space Available if signed up for Google+ account?
Ans: 15 GB
Q.16. Which Site of Creating Blog?
Ans: www.blogger.com / www.wordpress.com / www.penzu.com / www.webs.com / www.weebly.com / www.wix.com
5. Google Analytic
The Process google analytic uses to retrieve data from large complex data sets faster is called
Ans: Sampling
Which types of groups can you create in google analytic
Ans: Channel Groups & Content Groups
Google Analytic goals let you specify
Ans: Which interactions should be used to calculate conversions
E: To add external data to Google Analytic using the data import feature you must have
Which types of groups can you create in google analytic
Ans: Channel Groups & Content Groups
Google Analytic goals let you specify
Ans: Which interactions should be used to calculate conversions
E: To add external data to Google Analytic using the data import feature you must have
Ans: a key that links the imported data with google analytics (गूगल एनालिटिक्स के साथ आयातित डेटा लिंक कि एक कुंजी है )
A Session in google Analytic consists of (गूगल विश्लेषणात्मक में एक सत्र के होते हैं)
Ans: interaction of hits from a spefufic user over a defined period of time
By default An analytic session ends when inactive for (डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से एक विश्लेषणात्मक निष्क्रिय होता है)
Ans: 30 Minutes
During Aggregation , Google Analytic ? (एकत्रीकरण के दौरान, गूगल विश्लेषणात्मक किया करता है ?)
Ans: Organizes the collected data within database table (डेटाबेस तालिका के भीतर एकत्र डेटा का आयोजन करता है )
Third party data my be joined with the google analytic data collected via the tracking code ?
Ans: True सही
When Google Analytic process data, one of the main tasks it completes is organizing hits into ?
Ans; Users and Sessions
For Mobile application, Google Analytics will use the same javascript traking code as websites?
Ans: False गलत
During data processing google analytic ? (डाटा प्रोसेसिंग के दौरान गूगल एनालिटिक्स ?)
Ans: Transforms the raw data from collection using the configuration settings (Configuration settings के माध्यम से संग्रह से प्राप्त किये गए कच्चे डेटा बदल देता है )
What are the four main parts of the google analytic platform ?(Google Analytic के 4 मुख्य भाग किया होते है )
Ans: Collection, Configuration, Processing, Reporting.
Q. Google Analytic is able to measure if a user is a first time visitor or repeat visitor.
Ans: True
Q. What is the hierarchy of the google analytic data model ?
Ans: User > Sessions > interactions
Q. The Same type of google analytic tracking code should be used for both a website and a mobile app.
Ans: True
Q. you should include google Analytic tracking code on every page of a website you want to track.
Ans: True
Q. Where does the Google Analytic tracking code belong.
Ans: Before the closing </head> tag in your HTML
Q. In order to distinguish between user on web pages, Google Analytic.
Ans: Creates anonymous unique identifiers using first party cookies.
Q. Google Analytic store mobile app usage data locally on the device and sends it to the analytic account later using a batch process called?
Ans: dispatching
Q. if an app gets uninstalled and then reinstalled, Google analytic will have to create a new unique identifier on the device instead of matching the session as coming from a returning user.
Ans: True
Q. Which is a benefit of Manager Defined spend (MDS) ?
Ans: Control over managed account budgets for my client center account users.
Q. A benefit of my client center(MCC) is the:
Ans: Dashboard that provides summaries of statistics for all client account.
Q. Which is best practice for creating effective and text?
Ans: Include prices promotion and exclusives
Q. it is important to identify special offers like "free shipping" before building and adwords account?
and: Create Compelling ad text.
Q. The objectives for web analytic are likely to concern?
Ans: Measurement of web site performance.
Q. Which One of the following is mainly used in Web Analytics and is free of charge ?
Ans: Google Analytic.
Q. Which feature of Google Analytics ?
Ans: Data collection & Management + Data consolidation + Data Analytic & Reporting
Q. Once your google Analytics data has been processed it can not be changed
Ans; True
Q. The Maximum cost per click bid is the
Ans: Most an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on an ad.
Q. what should and advertiser use to organize ad groups ?
Ans: Common themes
Q. Advertiser on google search accrue cost in adword when
Ans: User clik on their ads
Q. A primary benefit of location targeting is that advertisers can
Ans: Target any combination of countries, territories and regions
Q. Quality Score and Ad rank are calculated
Ans: Every time your ad is eligible to serve on a display network page
Q. Higher Quality Scores typically lead to
Ans: Lower cost and and better ad positions
Q. An advertiser want to increase clik through rate (CTR) which would help to eliminate irrelevant impressions?
Ans: Add negative keywords to the ad group
Q. When setting up an Adword account choose your currency and permanent time zone carefully because?
Ans: These cannot be changed once you have set up your account.
Q. Which is a factor that google user to target ads to users based on physical location?
Ans: Internet Protocol (IP) Address